Even a moonshot from a former MVP couldn't save the Bronx Bombers.

The New York Yankees have been in a funk for more than a month now, and they need something to wake them up from it. Aaron Judge tried to provide that wakeup call on Friday night when he clubbed a majestic 470-foot, three-run homer to give them a 6-4 lead at Fenway Park against the Boston Red Sox.

That ball cleared all the seats in center field and the wall behind the seats, then landed up underneath the center field scoreboard. Almost nobody hits home runs to that spot — probably not even in batting practice. It is a reminder, though, as to how much power Judge has in his bat and how much he can completely change a game in one swing.

That home run increased Judge's league-leading home run total to 36, while his league leading RBI total went up to 92 for the season. 

Judge's home run was followed immediately by catcher Austin Wells hitting a solo home run to help the Yankees go back-to-back in the top of the seventh inning. 

The Red Sox, not wanting to be beat by their hated rivals on their home turf, scored twice in the seventh and three times in the eighth eventually win the game, 9-7.

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